18 Jun 2015, 23:35
Andréfouët Serge, Aucan Jerôme, Jourdan Hervé, Kench P., Menkès Christophe, Vidal Eric, Yamano H. Conservation of low-islands : high priority despite sea-level rise. A comment on Courchamp et al. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2015, 30 (1), p. 1-2. ISSN 0169-5347
13 Nov 2019, 06:22
Le symposium Manaco se tiendra à la CPS (Nouméa) du 4 au 6 décembre 2019 et portera sur la génomique paysagère : un nouvel outil d'aide à la gestion des récifs coralliens
2 Feb 2022, 05:49
Field surveys for an evaluation of ornithological concerns and threats on the islets of the Great South Lagoon
31 Aug 2018, 03:28
The MALIS1 mission is back after 11 days in French Polynesia around the Raroia atoll with more than its objectives achieved.
19 Dec 2018, 22:47
Funded by the ANR MANA (Management of Atoll) supported by UMR Entropie, the DRMM and the Commission Nationale Flotte Côtière (National Coastal Fleet Commission), the MALIS 1 and MALIS 2 campaigns, and the ANR MANA, are intended to improve the management of pearl atolls in French Polynesia.
12 Nov 2019, 02:07
Twenty-six sensors measuring currents, temperature, water height and waves were installed to study the hydrodynamics of Manareva Lagoon and its oceanic forcing.
1 Jul 2019, 02:40
The workshop was held at IRD Noumea in the framework of the ANR MANA project. The workshop gathered about ten researchers, post-docs and PhD students from Entropie, Ifremer-LEAD, LEGOS, LOCEAN, and MIO, in order to examine all the measurements acquired in 2018 and 2019 by the project on the atolls of Raroia, Ahe and Takaroa in the Tuamotu archipelago, in Polynesia
11 May 2020, 23:38
A special issue of the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin is launched since January 2020. Edited by Serge Andréfouët, Sébastien Lefebvre and Alain Lo-Yat, it will collect a large part of the project results. For the moment 4 articles are submitted and a dozen others are planned by the end of 2020.
8 Mar 2021, 22:22
New publication on systematic conservation planning (SCP)
29 Mar 2021, 23:27
A methodology for mapping local knowledge about ciguatera and artisanal fishing to inform systematic conservation planning
30 Sept 2022, 01:31
Two connected buoys (Bourake Control and Bourake Front) financed by the Aqualink Foundation were deployed in Bouraké Bay in New Caledonia in July 2022. They allow to know the surface temperature of the water and the bottom of the lagoon in real time thanks to a satellite link.