La perliculture est l’activité économique principale de nombreux atolls et iles de Polynésie française et des Iles Cook. Toutefois, elle reste fragile. Parmi les maillons faibles, figure la capacité à expliquer la variabilité de l’efficacité du collectage de naissains d’huitres perlières. La problématique dépend notamment du cycle de vie des populations d’huitres et de l'hydrodynamique des lagons. Ce projet 2017-2022 s’est attaché principalement à mieux comprendre et modéliser ces aspects pour des lagons d’ouverture à l’océan contrastée, pour les sites de Ahe, Takaroa, Raroia et Manihiki.
Le projet ANR MANA est clôturé depuis Septembre 2022, mais outre la valorisation des résultats qui se poursuivra pendant plusieurs années encore compte-tenu du volume de données acquises, les mêmes objectifs que MANA sont déjà poursuivis sur de nouveaux sites perlicoles (Gambier, Takapoto et Apataki) grâce à des financements de la Polynésie française et à la contribution de la Commission Nationale de la Flotte Côtière.
Les publications scientifiques du projet parues à ce jour apparaissent ci-dessous.
Un document de synthèse de 64 pages sur les résultats du projet et destiné aux professionnels de la perliculture a été réalisé pour diffusion en version papier et en version numérique. Il constitue le numéro 25 de la revue Te Reko Parau édité par le partenaire Direction des Ressources Marines de Polynésie française . Il est disponible sur
André, L.V., Chinain, M., Gatti, C.M., Liao, V., Van Wynsberge, S., Tedesco, P., Andréfouët, S., 2022a. A systematic prioritization approach for identifying suitable pearl oyster restocking zones following a mass mortality event in Takaroa Atoll, French Polynesia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 176, 113472.
André, L.V., Van Wynsberge, S., Chinain, M., Gatti, C.M.I., Liao, V., Andréfouët, S., 2022b. Spatial Solutions and Their Impacts When Reshuffling Coastal Management Priorities in Small Islands with Limited Diversification Opportunities. Sustainability 14, 3871.
André, L.V., Van Wynsberge, S., Chinain, M., Andréfouët, S., 2022c. Benefits of collaboration between indigenous fishery management and data-driven spatial planning approaches: the case of a Polynesian traditional design (rāhui). Fisheries Research 256, 106475.
André, L.V., Van Wynsberge, S., Chinain, M., Andréfouët, S., 2021a. An appraisal of systematic conservation planning for Pacific Ocean Tropical Islands coastal environments. Mar. Poll. Bull. 165, 112131.
André, L.V., Van Wynsberge, S., Chinain, M., Gatti, C.M.I., Dempsey, A., Andréfouët, S., 2021b. A framework for mapping local knowledge on ciguatera and artisanal fisheries to inform systematic conservation planning. ICES Journal of Marine Science 78, 1357–1371.
Andréfouët, S., Genthon, P., Pelletier, B., Le Gendre, R., Friot, C., Smith, R., Liao, V., 2020. The lagoon geomorphology of pearl farming atolls in the Central Pacific Ocean revisited using detailed bathymetry data. Mar. Poll. Bull. 160, 111580.
Andréfouët, S., Le Gendre, R., Thomas, Y., Lo-Yat, A., Reisser, C.M.O., 2021. Understanding connectivity of pearl oyster populations within Tuamotu atoll semi-closed lagoons: Cumulative insight from genetics and biophysical modelling approaches. Mar. Poll. Bull. 167, 112324.
Andréfouët, S., Lo-Yat, A., Lefebvre, S., Bionaz, O., Liao, V., 2022a. The MANA (MANagement of Atolls, 2017–2022) project for pearl oyster aquaculture management in the Central Pacific Ocean using modelling approaches: Overview of first results. Marine Pollution Bulletin 178, 113649.
Andréfouët, S., Desclaux, T., Buttin, J., Jullien, S., Aucan, J., Le Gendre, R., Liao, V., 2022b. Periodicity of wave-driven flows and lagoon water renewal for 74 Central Pacific Ocean atolls. Marine Pollution Bulletin 179, 113748.
Aucan, J., Desclaux, T., Le Gendre, R., Liao, V., Andréfouët, S., 2021. Tide and wave driven flow across the rim reef of the atoll of Raroia (Tuamotu, French Polynesia). Mar. Poll. Bull. 171, 112718.
Bionaz, O., Le Gendre, R., Liao, V., Andréfouët, S., 2022. Natural stocks of Pinctada margaritifera pearl oysters in Tuamotu and Gambier lagoons: New assessments, temporal evolutions, and consequences for the French Polynesia pearl farming industry. Marine Pollution Bulletin 183, 114055.
Dutheil, C., Andrefouët, S., Jullien, S., Le Gendre, R., Aucan, J., Menkes, C., 2020. Characterization of south central Pacific Ocean wind regimes in present and future climate for pearl farming application. Mar. Poll. Bull. 160, 111584.
Dutheil, C., Jullien, S., Aucan, J., Menkes, C., Le Gendre, R., Andréfouët, S., 2021. The wave regimes of the Central Pacific Ocean with a focus on pearl farming atolls. Mar. Poll. Bull. 162, 111751.
Grenz, C., Rodier, M., Seceh, C., Varillon, D., Haumani, G., Pinazo, C., 2021. Benthic nutrients and oxygen fluxes at the water sediment interface in a pearl farming atoll (Ahe, Tuamotu, French Polynesia). Mar. Poll. Bull. 173, 112963.
Lefebvre, S., Verpoorter, C., Rodier, M., Sangare, N., Andréfouët, S. 2022. Remote sensing provides new insights on phytoplankton biomass dynamics and black pearl oyster life-history traits in a Pacific Ocean deep atoll. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Lo-Yat, A., Monaco, C.J., Thomas, Y., Czorlich, Y., Le Borgne, F., Muylaert, M., Le Moullac, G., Vanaa, V., Beliaeff, B., Garen, P., 2022. Mismatch between the ecological processes driving early life-stage dynamics of bivalves at two contrasting French Polynesian lagoons. Marine Pollution Bulletin 183, 114099.
Monaco, C.J., Sangare, N., Le Moullac, G., Basset, C., Belliard, C., Mizuno, K., Smith, D.L., Lo-Yat, A., 2021. Dynamic Energy Budget model suggests feeding constraints and physiological stress in black-lip pearl oysters, 5 years post mass-mortality event. Mar. Poll. Bull. 167, 112329.
Pagano, M., Rodier, M., Guillaumot, C., Thomas, Y., Henry, K., Andréfouët, S., 2017. Ocean-lagoon water and plankton exchanges in a semi-closed pearl farming atoll lagoon (Ahe, Tuamotu archipelago, French Polynesia). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 191, 60–73.
Reisser, C.M.O., Gendre, R.L., Chupeau, C., Lo-Yat, A., Planes, S., Andréfouët, S., 2020. Population Connectivity and Genetic Assessment of Exploited and Natural Populations of Pearl Oysters within a French Polynesian Atoll Lagoon. Genes 11, 426.
Rodier, M., Pinazo, C., Seceh, C., Varillon, D., 2021. Pelagic stocks and carbon and nitrogen uptake in a pearl farming atoll (Ahe, French Polynesia). Mar. Poll. Bull. 167, 112352.
Sangare, N., Lo-Yat, A., Le Moullac, G., Pecquerie, L., Thomas, Y., Beliaeff, B., Andréfouët, S., 2019. Estimation of physical and physiological performances of blacklip pearl oyster larvae in view of DEB modeling and recruitment assessment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 512, 42–50.
Sangare, N., Lo-Yat, A., Moullac, G.L., Pecquerie, L., Thomas, Y., Lefebvre, S., Gendre, R.L., Beliaeff, B., Andréfouët, S., 2020. Impact of environmental variability on Pinctada margaritifera life-history traits: A full life cycle deb modeling approach. Ecological Modelling 423, 109006.
Seceh, C., Pinazo, C., Rodier, M., Lajaunie-Salla, K., Mazoyer, C., Grenz, C., Le Gendre, R., 2021. Biogeochemical model of nitrogen cycling in Ahe (French Polynesia), a South Pacific coral atoll with pearl farming. Mar. Poll. Bull. 169, 112526.
Van Wynsberge, S., Menkes, C., Le Gendre, R., Passfield, T., Andréfouët, S., 2017. Are Sea Surface Temperature satellite measurements reliable proxies of lagoon temperature in the South Pacific? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 199, 117–124.
Van Wynsberge, S., Le Gendre, R., Sangare, N., Aucan, J., Menkes, C., Liao, V., Andréfouët, S., 2020. Monitoring pearl farming lagoon temperature with global high resolution satellite-derived products: An evaluation using Raroia Atoll, French Polynesia. Mar. Poll. Bull. 160, 111576.