Local and large-scale forcings influence reefs, lagoons, shallow seamounts, and coastal and offshore ecosystems and account for variations in circulation, sea level, temperature, residence time, terrigenous inputs, particulate and dissolved fluxes, pH, and biogeochemical cycles. These interactions directly influence the benthic and pelagic communities and organisms that occupy these habitats at different time and space scales, including in the environment of artificial ponds and aquaculture farms. All biological groups studied by the UMR are concerned.

Axis 1 therefore addresses issues related to physical and biogeochemical forcing, at all spatial and biological organization scales, from the ocean basin to the organism.

The issues are addressed by in situ or satellite measurements, long time series observations, at-sea campaigns, modeling, and in situ, laboratory and mesocosm experiments. Direct anthropogenic forcings (fisheries, pollution, etc.) are characterized by the thematic axis 4, while indirect anthropogenic forcings (acidification, global warming, sea level rise, coastal erosion, etc.) are considered here.

The study of forcings will sometimes include a paleoclimate component, and, more systematically, a climate change component, focused on atmospheric and oceanic processes (IPCC scenarios). Downstream, studies, often in interaction with the other thematic axes, are currently focused on

  • the relationship between acidification, thermal stress, metals, nitrogen and physiological parameters of reef organisms;
  • the understanding of larval dispersion and connectivity of lagoon and offshore marine populations
  • the functioning of pearl lagoons;
  • the functioning of aquaculture ponds;
  • characterization of mass mortality and coral bleaching events;
  • coastal vulnerability (e.g. coastal erosion, sea level rise) to extreme events (waves, cyclones, tsunamis)
  • Strategies for use of ocean habitats by micronekton and marine megafauna;
  • the movements of megafauna;
  • the physical environment of seamounts;
  • the fate and influence of water plumes from rivers;
  • the spatio-temporal characterization of lagoon hydrological landscapes;
  • the study of the emergence of groups of pathogenic or non-pathogenic microorganisms;

Most of the studies are conducted in collaboration with the managers of the environments concerned.