OSU-REUNION - Observatoire des sciences de l'univers
The OSU-Reunion covers all the disciplines related to the sciences of the universe in a broad sense. It gathers, at the University of Reunion, research units members of the OSU, laboratories or associated teams, and observation stations, the whole representing about 80 persons (permanent or temporary).
The main supervisors of the OSU-Reunion are the University of Reunion, INSU-CNRS and Météo-France. The partners of the OSU (IPGP, IRD, Région Réunion, TAAF, D2RT, CIRAD) are ex officio members of the OSU Council. The Board of the OSU is chaired by an external personality chosen for his competences. The Scientific Committee is composed of representatives of all the laboratories and observation stations, the directors of the research units that are members of the OSU, and at least four external personalities co-opted and chosen for their expertise.
In addition to the Unité Mixte de Service UMS-3365 (CNRS-INSU, Université de La Réunion), Météo-France which is an integral part of the OSU-Réunion, the laboratories of the Université de La Réunion (UMR) and the associated teams (EA) attached to the OSU are :
- The ENTROPIE laboratory in La Réunion (Tropical Marine Ecology of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, UMR 250, University of La Réunion, IRD, CNRS-INEE)
- The Espace-Dev laboratory in Reunion Island (IRD / University of Reunion Island / University of Montpellier 2 / University of the West Indies / University of Guyana).
- The LACy laboratory (Laboratory of Atmosphere and Cyclones, UMR 8105, University of Reunion, CNRS-INSU, Météo France)
- A team of the university laboratory LE2P (Laboratory of Energetics, Electronics, and Processes, EA 4079, University of Reunion)
- The LGSR laboratory (Geosciences Reunion Laboratory, representation at the University of Reunion of the UMR 7154, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris)
- A team from the university laboratory LIM (Computer Science and Mathematics, EA 2525, University of La Réunion)
- A team from the university laboratory PIMENT (Laboratory of Physics and Mathematical Engineering for Energy and the Environment, EA University of La Réunion)
- A team from the PVBMT Laboratory (Peuplement Végétaux et Bioagresseurs en Milieux Tropical, UMR CIRAD - Université de la Réunion)
The observation stations attached to the OSU are
- The Observatory of Physics of the Atmosphere of Reunion (OPAR)
- The forestry station (STAFOR)
- The coastal station (STACOT)
- The hydrological station (ERORUN)
The Observatoire Volcanologique du Piton de la Fournaise (OVPF) of the IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris) and the space remote sensing station SEAS-OI (associated with the Reunionese representation of the UMR Espace-Dev) are scientifically associated to the OSU-Reunion.