26 sept. 2024
Oceanic eddies are recognized as pivotal components in marine ecosystems, believed to concentrate a wide range of marine life spanning from phytoplankton to top predators. Previous studies have posited that marine predators are drawn to these eddies due t…
26 sept. 2024
Large-scale disturbances and local stressors, most notably bleaching events, sedimentation, and overfishing, impact coral reefs around Madagascar. To enhance reef resilience, managers have established several marine protected areas (MPAs) since 1966. Here…
26 sept. 2024
Spat collection of the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera in atoll lagoons of French Polynesia is the fundamental sustain of black pearl farming. Spat collection has always yielded variable results in space and time, but obvious signs of steady decreases…
26 sept. 2024
The Health Impacts of Artificial Reef Advancement (HIARA; in the Malagasy language, "together") study cohort was set up in December 2022 to assess the economic and nutritional importance of seafood for the coastal Malagasy population living along the Bay …
26 sept. 2024
Projections of the future climate of small island states and territories are currently limited by the coarse resolution of models. We call for rapid global and regional cooperation to develop projections compatible with small island scales, providing rele…
26 sept. 2024
Human interest in biodiversity is essential for effective conservation action but remains poorly quantified at large scales. Here, we investigated human interest for 2408 marine reef fishes using data obtained from online public databases and social media…
26 sept. 2024
Tropical and extra-tropical storms generate extreme waves, impacting both nearby and remote regions through swell propagation. Despite their devastating effects in tropical areas, the contribution of tropical cyclones (TCs) to global wave-induced coastal …
26 sept. 2024
Concerns are mounting over the effects of crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) (Acanthasteridae) outbreaks, prompting the need for integrated management strategies. Although direct control methods are short-term and localized, they remain one of the few operat…
26 sept. 2024
Pacific islands are widely exposed to several strong wave events all year long. However, comprehensive analyses of coastal vulnerabilities to wave climates and their extremes are often lacking in those islands. In the present paper, the wave climate aroun…
27 août 2024
The Bay of Biscay anchovy fishery system has undergone important transformations following a closure from 2005 to 2010. Through a multidisciplinary and systemic approach, combining analyses of fisheries and market data with interviews with key stakeholder…
27 août 2024
The impact of eutrophication on wild fish individuals is rarely reported. We compared physiological and morphological traits of Siganus lineatus chronically exposed to aquaculture-induced eutrophication in the wild with individuals living at a control sit…
27 août 2024
Assessing the reproductive physiology via skin-blubber biopsy samples of recovering populations of marine mammals is critical for conservation and management. We used an extensive blubber archive and associated demographic data to assess the seasonal chan…
27 août 2024
Animal body-size variation influences multiple processes in marine ecosystems, but habitat heterogeneity has prevented a comprehensive assessment of size across pelagic (midwater) and benthic (seabed) systems along anthropic gradients. In this work, we de…
27 août 2024
Kelp forest trophic cascades have been extensively researched, yet indirect effects to the zooplankton prey base and gray whales have not been explored. We investigate the correlative patterns of a trophic cascade between bull kelp and purple sea urchins …
27 août 2024
The loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta is a large marine turtle with a cosmopolitan repartition in warm and temperate waters of the planet. The South Pacific subpopulation is classified as 'Critically Endangered' on the IUCN Red List, based on the estimate…
27 août 2024
The increase in population and its needs have worsened the issue of metal contamination of the environment, negatively impacting plants, animals, and human health. New Caledonia, a biodiversity hotspot, faces a significant source of metals from mining act…
27 août 2024
Climate change stressors are progressively simplifying biogenic habitats in the terrestrial and marine realms, and consequently altering the structure of associated species communities. Here, we used a volcanic CO2 seep in Papua New Guinea to test in situ…
27 août 2024
Paraburkholderia ultramafica STM10279(T) is a metal-tolerant rhizobacterium that promotes plant growth. It was isolated from the roots of Tetraria arundinaceae, a pioneer endemic tropical herb growing on ultramafic soils in New Caledonia. We have recently…
4 août 2024
This overview challenges the commonly accepted notion that Pacific societies are all doomed to an uncertain near and distant future despite their inherently different exposures to, experiences of, and attitudes to climate change. It also recognizes that t…
29 juil. 2024
Animal body-size variation influences multiple processes in marine ecosystems, but habitat heterogeneity has prevented a comprehensive assessment of size across pelagic (midwater) and benthic (seabed) systems along anthropic gradients. In this work, we …
9 juil. 2024
Widespread coral bleaching has generally been linked to high water temperatures at larger geographic scales. However, the bleaching response can be highly variable among individual of the same species, between different species, and across localities; wha…
9 juil. 2024
The ecological success of shallow water corals hinges on their association with photosynthetic Symbiodiniaceae algae. This is affected by environmental drivers among which sea temperature is pivotal. In 2016, a prolonged heat wave challenged New Caledonia…
9 juil. 2024
Southern hemisphere humpback whale ( Megaptera novaeangliae , SHHW) breeding populations follow a highfidelity Antarctic krill ( Euphausia superba ) diet while feeding in distinct sectors of the Southern Ocean. Their capital breeding life history requires…
9 juil. 2024
Since the pioneering work in 70 ', relatively few studies looked at the trophic niches of teleost reef fishes in Madagascar. The lagoon of Toliara (SW Madagascar) is facing threat from the use of mosquito net trawls, often practiced in seagrass and fringi…
11 juin 2024
Background Leptospirosis is a neglected zoonosis which remains poorly known despite its epidemic potential, especially in tropical islands where outdoor lifestyle, vulnerability to invasive reservoir species and hot and rainy climate constitute higher ris…
11 juin 2024
Each year, an average of 45 tropical cyclones affect coastal areas and potentially impact forests. The proportion of the most intense cyclones has increased over the past four decades and is predicted to continue to do so. Yet, it remains uncertain how to…
11 juin 2024
Natural ecological restoration is a cornerstone of modern conservation science and managers need more documented "success stories" to lead the way. In French mediterranean sea, we monitored Posidonia oceanica lower limit using acoustic telemetry and photo…
11 juin 2024
In the context of global warming, wildfires are expected to increase in both frequency and intensity in the forthcoming decades. Among the environmental and ecological wildfires -induced impacts, the risk of freshwater pollution by soilborne trace metals …
11 juin 2024
Linear transportation infrastructures (LTIs) are established drivers of habitat fragmentation and barrier effects. Yet, they represent an increasing surface of managed seminatural habitats where increased consideration of biodiversity outputs is needed in…
11 juin 2024
Predicting and mapping coral reef diversity at moderate scales can assist spatial planning and prioritizing conservation activities. We made coarse-scale (6.25 km(2)) predictive models for numbers of coral reef fish species and community composition start…
26 sept. 2024
Oceanic eddies are recognized as pivotal components in marine ecosystems, believed to concentrate a wide range of marine life spanning from phytoplankton to top predators. Previous studies have posited that marine predators are drawn to these eddies due t…
26 sept. 2024
Large-scale disturbances and local stressors, most notably bleaching events, sedimentation, and overfishing, impact coral reefs around Madagascar. To enhance reef resilience, managers have established several marine protected areas (MPAs) since 1966. Here…
26 sept. 2024
Spat collection of the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera in atoll lagoons of French Polynesia is the fundamental sustain of black pearl farming. Spat collection has always yielded variable results in space and time, but obvious signs of steady decreases…
26 sept. 2024
The Health Impacts of Artificial Reef Advancement (HIARA; in the Malagasy language, "together") study cohort was set up in December 2022 to assess the economic and nutritional importance of seafood for the coastal Malagasy population living along the Bay …
26 sept. 2024
Projections of the future climate of small island states and territories are currently limited by the coarse resolution of models. We call for rapid global and regional cooperation to develop projections compatible with small island scales, providing rele…
26 sept. 2024
Human interest in biodiversity is essential for effective conservation action but remains poorly quantified at large scales. Here, we investigated human interest for 2408 marine reef fishes using data obtained from online public databases and social media…
26 sept. 2024
Tropical and extra-tropical storms generate extreme waves, impacting both nearby and remote regions through swell propagation. Despite their devastating effects in tropical areas, the contribution of tropical cyclones (TCs) to global wave-induced coastal …
26 sept. 2024
Concerns are mounting over the effects of crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) (Acanthasteridae) outbreaks, prompting the need for integrated management strategies. Although direct control methods are short-term and localized, they remain one of the few operat…
26 sept. 2024
Pacific islands are widely exposed to several strong wave events all year long. However, comprehensive analyses of coastal vulnerabilities to wave climates and their extremes are often lacking in those islands. In the present paper, the wave climate aroun…
27 août 2024
The Bay of Biscay anchovy fishery system has undergone important transformations following a closure from 2005 to 2010. Through a multidisciplinary and systemic approach, combining analyses of fisheries and market data with interviews with key stakeholder…
27 août 2024
The impact of eutrophication on wild fish individuals is rarely reported. We compared physiological and morphological traits of Siganus lineatus chronically exposed to aquaculture-induced eutrophication in the wild with individuals living at a control sit…
27 août 2024
Assessing the reproductive physiology via skin-blubber biopsy samples of recovering populations of marine mammals is critical for conservation and management. We used an extensive blubber archive and associated demographic data to assess the seasonal chan…
27 août 2024
Animal body-size variation influences multiple processes in marine ecosystems, but habitat heterogeneity has prevented a comprehensive assessment of size across pelagic (midwater) and benthic (seabed) systems along anthropic gradients. In this work, we de…
27 août 2024
Kelp forest trophic cascades have been extensively researched, yet indirect effects to the zooplankton prey base and gray whales have not been explored. We investigate the correlative patterns of a trophic cascade between bull kelp and purple sea urchins …
27 août 2024
The loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta is a large marine turtle with a cosmopolitan repartition in warm and temperate waters of the planet. The South Pacific subpopulation is classified as 'Critically Endangered' on the IUCN Red List, based on the estimate…
27 août 2024
The increase in population and its needs have worsened the issue of metal contamination of the environment, negatively impacting plants, animals, and human health. New Caledonia, a biodiversity hotspot, faces a significant source of metals from mining act…
27 août 2024
Climate change stressors are progressively simplifying biogenic habitats in the terrestrial and marine realms, and consequently altering the structure of associated species communities. Here, we used a volcanic CO2 seep in Papua New Guinea to test in situ…
27 août 2024
Paraburkholderia ultramafica STM10279(T) is a metal-tolerant rhizobacterium that promotes plant growth. It was isolated from the roots of Tetraria arundinaceae, a pioneer endemic tropical herb growing on ultramafic soils in New Caledonia. We have recently…
4 août 2024
This overview challenges the commonly accepted notion that Pacific societies are all doomed to an uncertain near and distant future despite their inherently different exposures to, experiences of, and attitudes to climate change. It also recognizes that t…
29 juil. 2024
Animal body-size variation influences multiple processes in marine ecosystems, but habitat heterogeneity has prevented a comprehensive assessment of size across pelagic (midwater) and benthic (seabed) systems along anthropic gradients. In this work, we …